Joan Show documentation

Screen Shot from the wide shot of the documentation

No Boundaries Project at the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre on 21 September. This wide shot coverage of the entire projection show is for participants who want to show their contribution to friends and family who could not attend. A DVD of this project and behind the scenes will be available in 2013.

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Photos of the Wrap Event

This gallery contains 16 photos.

Local emerging artist / photographer Trisha Merriman did a fantastic job of capturing the fun and vibe of our wrap event for 2012, on the Platypus. Thank you Trish, and everyone else who has been part of the project!

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A time lapse of No Boundaries Project by Paul Elmer

On 21 and 22 September 2012, large scale projections transformed the exterior of Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre with animation, sound, story, music and image… This time lapse of the installations, performance and show was captured by Paul Elmer of Emu Plains.


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This blog has news and posts from throughout the No Boundaries Project. Newest posts are at the top. For older posts scroll down, and click “older” for previous posts. Use the search bar at right to find topics of interest in all the posts.

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Photos of Light Rhythm Plays! Interactive Projections

These photos of the No Boundaries Project show and the Interactive Mobile Projections and Light Drums were taken by Lenore Betteridge, one of the mobile AV crew trained during the No Boundaries Project.

Small luminous carts added a glowing element all around the Mondo performance area, and there were smiles and laughs as people of all ages discovered that music rhythms could make light and images magically appear!

Thank you immensely to CENTURY YUASA, who have as always helped us with great advice, battery and power expertise… the mobile projection carts were fitted with long running heavy duty batteries which enabled the operation of our interactive media throughout the No Boundaries show. We are working at the edge of innovation with reliable battery support – thank you!

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No Boundaries Project ~ The Show!

On 21 & 22 September 2012, large scale projections transformed the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre with animation, sound, story, music and image… and smaller scale installations offered interactive experiences around the Mondo and nearby.

This was the exciting community presentation that interwove all of the many artworks together into a live public art presentation, projected onto the architecture of the Joan.

No Boundaries ‘Journey to the Riverscape’ was presented in a relaxed, accessible, safe and gentle setting suitable for all ages. The evening program concluded with a soft and dreamy composition about the Nepean River, with accompanying imagery created by the community of Penrith in a series of inclusive arts projects. The event also featured family friendly innovative interactive projection art from the Light Rhythm Plays project.

The No Boundaries Project offered many ways for the audience to engage with the artwork:

  • Daytime installations:

    • People listened to TRANSIT on their journey to Penrith and then explored the BUSHTRACK exhibition through Westfield Penrith looking at the exhibition artworks and collecting postcard art from selected sites. (this runs til end of September) See our downloads page for the MP3 and guide map.
    • Tactile / auditory Installations in the Mondo – these creative art pieces were attached to the pillars of the colonnade. They were created by local artists and were connected to the main story of the No Boundaries show, designed to be felt, touched and smelled to experience the story (although they are fun to look at as well)
  • Main show

      • The show began with a live performance by singer/songwriter Krystel Keller. Speeches by the Mayor and MP David Bradbury introduced the show.
      • This was followed by the looping projection, covering the large eastern wall of the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre, and smaller mobile interactive projections.
Animations, sound, video and music transform the exterior of the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre.

Animations, sound, video and music transform the exterior of the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre.


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Installations and Downloads

Gorgeous Tactile Artwork, created by Jill Huber, and mounted on a background of arrangements from the Tactile art workshop. This piece is installed at Eckersleys Art shop in Westfield Penrith.

‘Jacaranda’ is a Tactile Artwork, created by Jill Huber, and mounted on a background of arrangements from the Tactile art workshop. This piece is installed at Eckersleys Art shop in Westfield Penrith.

No Boundaries presents Journey to the Riverscape.

The Journey from your home, to your destination at Penrith where the No Boundaries event happens, has two installation experiences for you including a treasure trail where you can visit tactile / sensory artwork and collect postcards to keep as a souvenir. You can enjoy these on the way to the main event, and they will be accessible until the end of September.

TRANSIT is an MP3 to listen to on your journey to Penrith.

It features a blend of upbeat travel music and voices of participants of the No Boundaries project and voices from the Campement Urbain project “Future of Penrith / Penrith of the Future”.

  • Transit.mp3 < right click and choose “save as” to download, add to your ipod or iphone playlist. Listen to this on the train or bus or drive to Penrith.

BUSH TRACK is a walking guide, and collectable gifts as part of an installation (accessible 9-5 most days of September 2012 including the days of the show).

One of the collectable artwork postcards, on the “BushTrack” installation that takes you from Penrith Train Station to the Joan.

You can walk along the route from Penrith Train Station to the event destination at the Joan, seeing some of the artwork and collecting postcard images from the show, and listening to sounds recorded for the Bush Track by Participants of the No Boundaries Project.

Download the following two files by right clicking and save as.

  • Bushtrack.mp3 < right click and choose “save as” to download, add to your ipod or iphone playlist. Listen to this between the train station and walking to the Joan.
  • Bushtrack.pdf MAP AND WALKING GUIDE < right click and choose “save as” to download, then print out for reference.

Photos of some of the installations and postcards you will see (and touch):

Audio mix for the Transit file: Samantha Ray

Words of the Bushtrack Guide: Paula Novotna –

Installation artwork and collectable postcards: Anne Stratton, Tim Smith, Jill Huber, Paul Hazell, Valda Pomery, Trisha Merriman, Kevin Finlayson, David Murphy, and participants of the Tactile Art and Sensory Art projects.

Sounds of the Bushtrack.mp3 recorded and prepared by: Kell Taylor and Greg Taylor, Paul Harrington, Bill McMillan, Sonjie Conoulty, Cindi Drennan and Brendan O’Connell.

Installation by Yvonne Loy:

Bushtrack Map: Rini Fokas & Cindi Drennan

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Yes, you too can play a tune with FRUIT!

Musical fruit instruments and other interactive fun at No Boundaries are being brought to you through the courtesy of Nepean Community College, Century Batteries, and Nepean College of Fine Art (TAFE NSW).

Interactive sound and lighting that you will be able to trigger through playing drums, or gesture, or (believe it or not) playing FRUIT? We don’t want to give too much away but at the No Boundaries event you’ll be able to experience these adventures at Battery powered carts operated by a new specially trained crew of people from Penrith.

We would like to say an enormous thank you to the Nepean Community College for being the venue for our final training sessions and the current home of the carts. NCC is a fantastic community college right next to the Penrith Community Library!

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PROJECTIONS AT THE RIVERSIDE… present plays host to the past by Daniel Kojta

Projected onto Victoria Bridge Feature Artist Daniel Kojta has produced a series of projections on the architecture of the iconic Victoria Bridge over the Nepean River. Daniel has utilized the surrounding landscape features, including elements of the natural foreshore such as the Hawkesbury sandstone, the trees and bushes, and historic buildings remaining today.

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Light Rhythm Plays is looking for some Players!

Light Rhythm Plays is a fun interactive project being created as part of the No Boundaries project. New technology that links drums to graphic / audiovisual projection enables drummers to interact with images at the same time as they play. (more info here)
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