Journey to the Riverscape: the meditation

This is a meditation about creativity, and a celebration of the Nepean River in Penrith NSW, to watch, listen, enjoy and share. It was created by diversely abled creative people contributing conceptually and artistically in this project in Penrith.

This video was first presented as a mapped projection onto the Dame Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre and has been reformatted and released on DVD with a booklet about the project, available from Penrith City Council.

No Boundaries Project was produced under the creative direction of Cindi Drennan from illuminart with support of Penrith City Council and other partners, funding from NSW Government through Arts NSW and the office of Ageing, Disability and Home Care; the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body; and Arts SA.

Artwork, images, sounds and photos: creative people, artists, participants from Penrith
Creative director: Cindi Drennan
Paula Novotna: Story text and Voice
Samantha Ray: Composer and sound editor
Pete Ardron, Cygna, Trilby Temperley and Samantha Ray: Music bed
Editors: Cindi Drennan and Maria Goretti Bello
Animator: Luku Kukuku
Illustration of the Nepean Belle: Jacek Limanowka

For full credits visit:

Booklet and DVD from the No Boundaries Project.

Booklet and DVD from the No Boundaries Project.


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