‘Journey to the Riverscape’ : Animations, sound, video and music transform the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre.
No Boundaries is an inclusive multimedia arts project demonstrating the benefits of social participation through art for people with disability, the capacity of technology to provide new opportunities for participation, and the influence their creative contributions can have for social inclusion.
The project was created in a partnership involving illuminart, Penrith City Council, Sylvanvale Foundation, Accessible Arts NSW and expanding to involve many others over the two year period. It included a large scale projection art show in 2012 and continues with an ongoing Visual Arts program in Penrith.
No Boundaries Project began in 2011 with a vision to bring together diversely abled artists and creative people from Penrith to collaborate and create a large public art project together. Creative developments, Mini-projects and arts workshops involving diversly abled people, as well as individual arts commissions for artists with disability all interwove and culminated in a a spectacular free public event called ‘Journey to the Riverscape’ in Penrith NSW on 21 & 22 September 2012. The project was directed by Cindi Drennan of illuminart and supported by artists including Daniel Kojta, David Capra, Susan Oxenham with many other artists and creative people of the Penrith region.
Following the event, the Penrith City Council have maintained the Visual Arts program of the No Boundaries Project which is currently held weekly, and supported several showings of the Light Rhythm Plays instruments developed by illuminart in collaboration with Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy Australia.

No Boundaries Project was winner of the award for improving Social Participation at the 2013 awards in Canberra
In December 2013 the project won an Australian National Disability Award for excellence in Social Participation for people with disability.
A Booklet about the No Boundaries Project, and the Light Rhythm Plays extension project has been produced, including a DVD containing many of the artworks and documentation of ‘Journey to the Riverscape’.