Your invitation to see Light Rhythm Plays! at International Day for People with Disability in Penrith NSW.

Light Rhythm Plays 26The Light Rhythm Plays! interactive music and media instruments that have been in development in Penrith NSW as an extension to the No Boundaries Project, will be making a performance appearance at this years International Day for People with Disability in Penrith.

Four instruments will be presented that each will be played by local musician/performers and people from the audience, for a fun interactive experience.

The event is open to the public and celebrates the community of people who live with disability and those around them who support needs, education and living. This year Penrith City Council is holding the event on Monday 3rd December at St Mary’s Memorial Hall and it will begin at 9:30 am with morning tea, with proceedings wrapping up at about 11:30 am.

Mobile AV Crew with their interactive carts

The event will feature:

the No Boundaries Project DVD and media art created in Penrith

A live performance of music and media art, by musicians and players using the Light Rhythm Plays! instruments

Exhibition of a selection of artwork created by artists involved with the No Boundaries Project.

Artists and makers involved in the No Boundaries Project will receive certificates and first pressings of the No Boundaries DVD.

Friends, family and interested artists and community members are very welcome. For further information please contact Joe Ibbitson at Penrith City Council.

St Mary's Neighbourhood Centre and Memorial Hall Map


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