Light Rhythm Plays! video of the prototypes in 2012

Mobile AV Crew with their interactive cartsIn 2012 illuminart began a new mobile AV and music development in collaboration with Music Therapy organisation, Nordoff Robbins. The purpose of the instruments is to combine interactive media, and experimental forms of music and image enjoyment with functions that have therapeutic benefits for players, and to explore some of the potential of these new instruments within the community of Penrith NSW.

The resulting instruments, known as “Light Rhythm Plays!” have had two public appearances in Penrith NSW. The first appearance was in prototype form at the No Boundaries Project event on 21 and 22 September.

Here is a youtube snapshot of the instruments being used by members of the audience, supported by illuminart’s Penrith based mobile AV trainees.

The second appearance was a feature presentation of the Penrith City’s celebration of International Day for People with Disability on 2nd December, where several music performance pieces were presented involving local musicians and volunteers from the audience.

Here is a youtube snapshot of the rehearsals held the week before the event showing the performers practising with the instruments. The video of the final performance will be completed soon and released on illuminart’s vimeo channel.

Light Rhythm Plays has been developed in partnerships supported by Penrith City Council, Arts NSW and the Australia Council for the Arts, as an extension to the No Boundaries Project.

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